personal property

Homeowner + Endorsement Insurance

Patrons Oxford PLUS endorsement.....

We save you premium dollars by combining endorsements.

Property Highlights

  1. Personal Property Replacement Cost
  2. Special Personal Property Coverage
  3. Identity Fraud Expense
  4. Building Ordinance or Law
  5. Sinkhole Collapse Coverage
  6. Water Backup and Sump Overflow Protection
  7. Lock Replacement Coverage
  8. Police Department Service Charge Coverage
  9. Increases Basic Property Limits:
    • Tree debris removal coverage limit of liability is increased to $1,000
    • Loss Assessment is increased to $5,000
    • Credit Card Coverage limit is increased to $5,000
    • The Special Limits of Liability for loss by theft of jewelry, watches, furs, precious and semi -precious stones is increased to $5,500 (however, the limit on any one article will not exceed $2,500); loss by theft of firearms and related equipment is increased to $3,500; loss by theft of silverware, silver-plated ware, goldware, gold-plated ware, platinumware, platinum-plated ware and pewterware is increased to $5,000. This includes flatware, hollow-ware, tea sets, trays and trophies made of or including silver, gold or pewte
  10. Additional Coverages:
    • Personal property limit of $10,000 for live-in care providers (i.e., nurse, maid, nanny, etc.)
    • Personal property limit of $5,000 for an “insured” in a nursing home

Liability Highlights

  1. Incidental Motorized Land Conveyances
  2. Personal Injury Protection
  3. Additional Coverages:
    • $300,000/$2,000 Coverage E and F
    • Part time business pursuits of an Insured under age 18
    • Increased Claim Expenses to $300/day
    • Live-in care providers (i.e., nurse, maid, nanny, etc.)
    • Extends liability coverage for an “insured” in a nursing home
    • Extends liability in certain situations to motorized golf carts

Contact us today!

Contact your  local independent agent to see if your home qualifies for the "Plus" endorsement.